Angus has decided to escape to warmer parts rather than to hibernate or catch hypothermia. Misery bear, having watched the glaciers melt first hand in May, has reduced the bear house temperature by 1'C to save the planet, but maybe the government might have a bigger impact upon global warming if they were to help the farmers in Borneo to prevent deforestation and put out the peat fires that burn underground and generate more greenhouse gas than the whole of the UK. However, that is far too sensible, and it is easier for them to spout idealistic hot air and punish the UK citizens to keep them under the thumb.
Angus is planning to escape for a week at the end of November, pending retirement and permanent escape. That is of course provided Misery is allowed to retire before reaching 80years of age, or there is any pension pot left after the Brown Bear's raid of the honeypot.

Thu, Nov 29 Travel -to Hyatt Regency, Islandia Hotel San Diego - Aberdeen-->Gatwick-->Dallas-->San Diego, California
Fri, Dec 01 - San Diego, California - Boarding
Depart 5:00 PM
Sat, Dec 02 - At Sea
Sun, Dec 03 - Cabo San Lucas, Mexico - Tendered - Arrive 10:30 AM - Depart 6:00 PM
Mon, Dec 04 - Mazatlan, Mexico - Docked - Arrive 7:00 AM - Depart 5:00 PM
Tue, Dec 05 - Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Tendered - Arrive 7:00 AM - Depart 6:00 PM
Wed, Dec 06 - At Sea
Thu, Dec 07 - At Sea
Fri, Dec 08 - San Diego, California
Disembark 7:00 AM
Depart San Diego-->San Fansisco-->Heathrow-->Aberdeen
Sat, Dec 09