Sunday, June 09, 2013

Venice 9th June

The cruise into the Port of Venice provided a wonderful view of Venice. 

The boat trip to Mirano provided another photo opportunity for Hermann who was beginning to enjoy falling into the role of Angus.  Misery wondered if Hermann was implicated in Angus' unexplained disappearance.

Pooh liked the glass at Mirano, but luckily for Misery, she did not like the price.  He said that the only glass Misery appreciated was his wine glass at dinner, and pointed out that several pieces of Mirano glass had been sent to the Exeter house clearance back in 2009.

Pooh and Misery shared  a panani near the Rialta bridge,  and washed it down with a beer before  visiting St Marks cathedral and the Doges Palace.

Misery sighed as he entered the Chamber of the Inquisitors, and wondered whether Hermann should be left in the prison across the Bridge of Sighs.

Pooh said nobody had split the beans yet, and Misery took it personal thinking she referring to Heinz 57, Misery's pending age.

Pooh escorted Hermann out of the Doge's prison

Whilst ashore, anarchists had descended from afar hijacking a peaceful protest designed to stop cruise ships  from entering the Venice Lagoon,  and rioted at the port gates preventing other passengers from leaving.

The protestors were also  out on the lagoon in small boats.

Departure was delayed and the police provided an escort out of Venice.  Hermann decided not to ask the policeman if he had spotted Angus

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