Hermann decided to put forward a stronger case, especially as he has lived in a strong spectacle case for most of the time in New York. He felt that Pooh might also like L'Ecole on Broadway, where Misery and Hermann had enjoyed a nice brunch cooked by trainee chefs, especially as Timberland was just next door where she might enjoy some shopping? Misery agreed that Pooh does like her shopping, but gets a lot of enjoyment from shopping on line these days, which would save carriage charges. Indeed, moving heavy old bears with expensive tastes does not come cheap.
Hermann felt he was losing the debate, and pointed out that Pooh liked a large piece of meat, nothing was small in New York, and she could tuck into a nice big steak.
Misery agreed, but said she can get that at home too, as The Butchery had wonderful meat, and the size of the steak in New York would normally be more than sufficient for the two of them, and they do not charge carriage either.
Hermann gave up, and climbed back into his spectacle case for the night