Hermann soon discovered there were bears in the park after all, spotting 4 bearings on the cart as it slowly passed by.
Misery was not so sure as he has lost his bearings and was taking a very meandering path towards Strawberry Fields, but Hermann pointed out that there were lots of girls laid nearly bare, lazing like bears on the grass in the bare cloudless sky, below the sun which was at a bearing of around 60' 175' azimuth at the time.
Hermann decided to join them, but soon got the message and was bullied and intimidated by Misery's telephoto lens bearing down on him
By the time they arrived at Strawberry Fields, Hermann felt like he had been in Misery's pocket forever, and it was getting a bit hot and humid in there
so, they headed off to get an ice cream to cool Misery
Re-entering the park at the northerly end, they found a reservoir bearing the name of an ex-president, but by now, Hermann was feeling tired, crushed by the weight of Misery's wallet bearing down on him in the same pocket. He was concerned about his mohair coat as Misery had put his chocolate covered Magnum stick in there too. Luckilly Misery found a trash can when they left on a westerly bearing heading to the Hudson River
Misery was not happy as he started to write this post over an hour ago, and some combination of keys wiped the lot with no recovery plan. He was growling loudly, and Hermann climbed back into the spectacle case for the night to keep out of Misery's way. At least there were bears in Central Park after all
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