Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Rockerfeller Art Deco

Misery and Hermann liked to stroll around the block to view the Art Deco art on the walls of the surrounding buildings around the den on 51st before retiring for the night.  Hermann was a bit concerned he might be called a street walker when he returned home.

The entrance at Bill's bar had a wonderful clock reminding them of the time

and some wonderful colourful artwork above the entrance

Banana Republic had a wonderful art deco aluminium staircase, and an interesting statue on 5th Avenue...

Saks was a wonderful, building, and the prices inside were clearly for beautiful people

This building was interesting as it has a British Coat of Arms. Misery explained that the statues represented the skills of the British Empire, and the Building was known as the British Empire Building.  Hermann asked what the British Empire was, and Misery said it was the pink bits on the map when he was young.

Misery pointed ou to Hermann the restaurant below the tower where he had a nice meal that night, whilst Hermann rested in the spectacle case, in the camera bag, in the room of the Hotel.  they wondered off......

....down 50th....

.....across to the office on 49th......

...across the lobby. Stop!  Hermann thought he heard a bird singing, and looked up to the wooden horse, and sure enough, there was a bird up there singing it's hear out.  The security guard said he sang every hour, on the hour.  Hermann was very impressed, and did not realise birds were so good at time keeping.  They went on their way...

..taking care not to spend too much on the wine.....

.....and out the back door..

..... heading back No. 10 towards the NBC studio....
...past the side door of the office.......

....and the saleroom which was apparently a parking lot....

and back to the den.......

 ..on 51st.......
...when Herman went to bed in the spectacle case,  whilst Misery loaded the pictures for Pooh to read back at home.

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