Saturday, August 23, 2014

Official Tour of the Art of Rockefeller Plaza

Hermann and Misery headed off early for a tour of the art and art deco buildings of the Rockefeller Plaza. The floors are brass inload square art deco design

 Neon Lights were a first when radio City was built:

 The Rockerfeller extends across 6th Avenue:

 Two houses remain from the previous site as the owners would not sell up:
 Glass mosaics at the entrance in the Avenue of the Americas

 The bakery is the second property where the owner would not sell up.

Christies was originally a parking garage

 The large window represents a TV and the three small the cinema.  Not bad for 1930
 Eastern Airlines one occupied 10 Rockerfeller Plaza

 The old buildings that were demolished to build the plaza were similar to those on 48th Street

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